
Readings! Workshops! Panel Discussions! New Book Club! Craft Talks! Portfolio Consultations! Special Features! Lunch! Dinner! Silent Auction! More!

2025 Festival Schedule

Space is limited for workshops and portfolio consultations, which require an additional registration fee.

Friday, April 25

3:30 p.m. Time to Write, Workshops, or Portfolio Consultations


  • Hayan Charara, “Make, Break, and Remake: Revising with Line and Syntax”
  • Gabrielle Calvocoressi, “Big Sky Begin Again—Life, Death, and What We Can Learn from the Prairie”

Portfolio Consultations:

  • David Meischen
  • Cecily Parks
  • Timothy Green

5:00 p.m. Panel Discussion: “The Ecologic of Poetry”

Gabrielle Calvocoressi, Cecily Parks, and Kim Stafford

6:00 p.m. Dinner

7:00 p.m. Silent Auction opens

8:00 p.m. Featured Readings: Amanda Johnston and Kim Stafford

Book signing to follow immediately

9:30 p.m. Round Top Fellows Reading

Saturday, April 26 

9:00 a.m. After-Breakfast New Books Club! hosted by Cindy Huyser

A showcase of new books by P@RT community members

10:30 a.m. Open Mic, Workshops, or Portfolio Consultations


  • Kim Stafford, “Writing Toward the Light in Dark Times”
  • Amanda Johnston, “Writing From the I: Transforming the Personal into Poetry” 
  • David Meischen,”Impossible Communications: The Letter Poem”

Portfolio Consultations:

  • Cecily Parks
  • Katie Dozier

12:00 p.m. Panel Discussion: “In the Spirit of Poetry”

Hayan Charara, Amanda Johnston, and Joan Logghe

1:00 p.m. Lunch

2:30 p.m. Craft Talk: Poetry and the Inner Life

Mark Doty

3:30 p.m. Featured Readings: Cecily Parks and Hayan Charara

Book signing to follow immediately

4:30 p.m. Open Mic, Workshops, or Portfolio Consultations


  • Joan Logghe, “Obsessions and Inspirations” 
  • Katie Dozier and Timothy Green, “Digital Publishing”

Portfolio Consultations:

  • David Meischen
  • Nick Courtright

6:00 p.m. Dinner

7:45 p.m. Silent Auction closes

8:00 p.m. Featured Readings: Gabrielle Calvocoressi and Mark Doty

Book signing and reception to follow immediately

Sunday, April 27

9:00 a.m. Distance Avails Not! hosted by Judy Jensen

Brief event description TBD

10:15 a.m. Featured Reading: Joan Logghe

Book signing to follow immediately

11:00 a.m. Time to Write, Workshops, or Portfolio Consultations


  • Mark Doty,When You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, Go by a Road You Don’t Know”
  • Cecily Parks, “Artful Ecology” 

Portfolio Consultations:

  • Nick Courtright
  • Timothy Green
  • Katie Dozier

12:30 p.m. Garden Party and P@RT Anthology Reading

Mark Doty will offer our Saturday afternoon craft talk at P@RT 2025 on Poetry and the Inner Life 

My friend, the luminous poet Tracy K. Smith has a new book of prose coming from Norton called  THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE IS FEAR: Poetry as a Spiritual Technology. “Spiritual technology” is an apt description of what we’re doing when we write and read poetry; paying the closest attention we can to feeling, thinking and perceiving, and to the language we use to represent them. Poetry, of all the arts. is perhaps the most capable of representing subjectivity. Because we have the Epic of Gilgamesh, The Book of Job, Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself and Emily Dickinson’s “Wild Nights,” we have access to souls we could reach in no other way, we have the passionate and desolate treasury of what it has meant to be human.  In our time individuality, interiority, reading and even attention seem under siege. Reading and writing may not be the cure, but this talk will focus on poetry’s power to bring thinking and feeling together, to shift our perceptions, build empathy and sustain hope.